In order to be a successful competitor in today's global marketplace, it is imperative for any company to not only have wide-range access to their data but to also present a dynamic corporate image on the World Wide Web. Urban technology can help with all of your networking concerns from security to eCommerce and beyond. Please select a solution below to learn more about what we can offer you to make your business shine.
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IBM eNetwork Firewall
With the rapid growth of the World Wide Web as a business tool, the need to safeguard one's critical data has become an increasing concern. It is imperative that corporations protect their vital resources. Every connection to an outside network (and in many cases an internal network may be at risk also) is a possible avenue of entry for a malicious attack. In order to prevent the corruption or theft of your critical data, it is necessary to reduce the ability for any agent or person with malicious intent to access your network. This is accomplished with the use of a firewall. IBM's eNetwork firewall effectively reduces the possibility of a "hacker" or "cracker" from gaining entry to your network and causing loss of revenue or productivity by creating a guarded, single point of entry to your network which can be carefully monitored and policed using a rigorous password recognition system. By creating this secure gateway to the network, you can be relatively at ease regarding the security of your network.

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Tivoli Netview
The average network administrator has to deal with a barrage of issues from day to day to maintain functionality within the network. Tivoli Netview network manager provides a valuable resource to alleviate many of the headaches that managing a large network pay present through greater automation, better tracking and reporting of errors, and increased general usability. By managing service delivery, service support, and configuration services, Netview can provide you with a valuable tool to see and manage your entire network more efficiently and cost-effectively with minimal effort.

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Websphere Application Server
In today's economy, it has become virtually necessary for any major company to maintain a presence on the Internet. Internet access has skyrocketed over the last ten years and will continue to grow exponentially. In today's market, it is necessary to have a dynamic web page that grabs and holds the attention of your customers as well as meeting your corporation's needs. IBM's Websphere Application Servers take the guess work out of eCommerce. By providing superior accessibility, inventory management and a direct link between all of your company's departments it can greatly increase productivity and allow you to efficiently maintain a productive presence on the web. Utilizing server-side Java servlets, Java server pages, and eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Websphere will allow you to create a web presence with much more dynamic content that your customers will want to come back to again and again. In addition to creating your presence on the web, through the use of Enterprise Java Beans, Websphere allows you to incorporate high-performance business logic giving you greater control over aspects such as inventory management and general integration of your various departments. The advanced edition includes added features such as multiple machine topologies, distributed transactions, and transaction processing.
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Websphere Edge Server
In today's rapidly changing global marketplace, it is no longer acceptable to simply maintain a presence on the web to sell your goods and services. A company's web presence must be dynamic and engaging or its customers will go elsewhere. The Websphere Edge Server for multiple platforms allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and enterprise customers to confidently host mission-critical web sites for Internet or Intranet eBusiness applications. Utilizing innovative caching, local and wide-area load balancing, and application-aware quality of service routing and all the features thereof can help to significantly reduce the cost for the site owner while providing improved customer satisfaction. Our consultants can assist you in providing your client base with a much more engaging web experience every time they access your page and reduce your cost in the process using Websphere Edge technology.

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Internet Solutions
We can help your company establish a dynamic expression of itself on the World Wide Web. From site design to comprehensive server-side Java applications that will drive your website for you, we can craft the correct technology to meet all of your goals and help you realize maximum return on your investment. Our internet solutions are provided on a case-by-case basis developed uniquely tailored to meet your needs.

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